
Want to know what can and can’t be recycled, understand recycling, reduce waste, and discover how to find recycled products? Recycling for dummies will help you improve your recycling habits and make a positive impact on the planet.

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Business Recycled Material: Econyl

Cariuma designs and handcrafts sustainable sneakers using recycled materials and natural making things better for people & the planet.
Thousand Fell make sustainable sneakers that are durable, comfortable and recyclable. And you can send them back for recycling.
These guys just keep giving. They make recycled pet products and have recycled over 15 million plastic bottles so far.
Explore stylish apparel made from recycled materials and certified organic fabrics from Frank and Oak.
Sustainable travel is here at last. Carbon neutral luggage, bags and accessories made from recycled materials for you to enjoy.
P.L.A.Y. stands for Pet Lifestyle and You. They make quality dog beds and toys using recycled stuffing, designing for your pet and for the planet.
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Plastic Recycling


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